Winter Photo Shoot: Laura and Kenny

For me, the great thing about visiting my childhood home for the holidays is the opportunity to photograph clients in my old stomping grounds. I have been exploring Lithia Park in Ashland, Oregon since I was a child. There are so many fond memories there, and was fortunate enough to make some more.

Laura and Kenny will be celebrating their five-year wedding anniversary this year, so it was about time I had another fun photo shoot this lovely couple – I shot their engagement photos!

It was a pretty chilly day, the temperature was around 40 degrees, so we grabbed a coffee at Mix Sweet Shop and headed out on foot to explore downtown and the park. Because of the weather, there were not nearly as many people out, so we were able to goof around and just have fun with it!

After about an hour and a half, we called it a wrap and headed to The Black Sheep for some warm scones and a pint to celebrate a successful photo sesh.




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